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About Sava OS

Picture of the founders of Sava OS

Imagine a future where companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google continue to dominate the personal OS market. We rely on their rules, and guidelines. Our data and apps are scattered across multiple services, devices, and operating systems. Cloud applications dominate the software landscape, forcing you into monthly payments while relinquishing control over your own data.

Personal computers are no longer personal, and we’re locked into multiple ecosystems with no easy way out.

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With Sava OS, we imagine a future where you can choose from a collection of open-sourced, universal operating systems. You install your OS on an "online vault" or a micro-server at home, which we call the Personal Cloud Computer (PC2), and access it from any device. Your data and software live on the PC2, so you're not dependent on any specific physical device—if one fails, you continue on another. You get the same convenience as cloud apps, but with complete ownership & control.

When we buy a new computer or phone, it should instantly work and display the same interface. Devices should adapt to our existing data & preferences. New hardware is like adding a new feature or setting to the same universal experience—the OS enhances progressively.

Our data should not be owned by services,
Apps should not depend on the OS,
And our OS should not depend on hardware.

We’re building a personal, universal OS for the modern internet age—to upgrade the personal computing experience and create a worry-free digital life.

Join us on this journey

Arnold & Owen
Founders, Sava OS